>> 9/04/2011
Just wanna share with everyone..about something that happen in modern life nowadays..apa yg dpt aku lihat sekarang semakin ramai anak-anak muda mula berjinak2 dgn pengambilan alcohol..malah dah menjadi satu budaya utk anak2 muda zaman skarang minumtanpa segan silu di khlayak ramai..yess aku bkn perfect pn nak ckp bnda aku sedar smpai ble bnda cmni akan kekal..dlm hidup kte perlukan sebuah perubahan yg menjamin masa depan..salah satu penyebab anak2 muda zaman skarang mengambil alcohol kerana nak enjoy dan terpengaruh dgn rakan2..terutama apabila berkunjung ke kelab2 malam di sekitar ibu kota..jujur aku rase tak salah untuk berseronok di kelab malam atau mendengar ape2 muzik sekali pun..even i also listen to many type of music/genre..i love punk/hardcore..but that cant stop me from listen other music..its your choice..i also listen trance/dubstep/techno/house music or any other music rock/balad/slow long i can listen n i luv their music..but people might say if u listen to disco song u must always go to club n kind of social people..haha..ur wrong ! coz music is still music..the important thing is the way u handle yourself n how to enjoy the music..ok back to the topic about friend ask me"Why dont u try drink 1st?" then u should know how it feel..hahaha...then i said " NO, ITS OK NOT TO DRINK ! " i still can enjoy and have fun while listening the should be ok..i guess it will be more cool if not taking that stuff..i can dance do what i its so sad to see young ages start to drink and get last their end up with bad life..thats sucks! so nak enjoy bole...dengar la muzik apa sekali pn..asalkan sentiasa positif dan tidak mengambil benda2 yg bole menjejaskan diri sendiri..tak mabuk pn bole dance laa babe! haha
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