What a beautiful day in my life....PART 1

>> 8/13/2011

ok..i just got back from terawih..i dont know about this one..should i write to public and express my feeling rite now? or should i just stay quite? but im so happy in this 2 days..i mean really2 HAPPY! This is the best thing in my life since the old memory happen..im too shy to tell everyone actually.but this is it..the sweetest thing i've been through in 2 days and it change everything..change my life..change my perception and everything..yeah LOVE is so powerful..do u guys remember about my friend who doing internship at N9 in early post? hehe..Finally i met her yesterday after knowing her in virtual world..haha..actually i've known her a long time a go..but we all quite bz with our life..and she also bz with stady..then sometime when i open up their page i saw she already have a bf..ouh so its ok..maybe she was happy with their lover that time its ok..then i started getting close to her when she post status at their page about skype..so i just ask her if i can chat with her at skype..then she gave me a good response =p were not just chat but also webcam..so at that time i just know she was happy and comfortable with me..im happy too..then the same thing happen in the next few days..were getting to know each other..even i know theres a lot guy out there want to know her.but im just chill..then after a few weeks chatting in skype i ask her whether she want to go a date with me?? maybe a dinner? then she said WHY NOT? haha..shes so cool! i like her! haha..then i plan to go a date on 5 august 2011..but sadly she already have another plan with her fren..mmm then its ok..i should wait for another week..then i ask her again for the next week..12 august 2011..great news is she agree..im so excited that time..cant wait for the day..we plan to go breakfasting together..i've planning a lot of thing to make the date more cheerful n happiness.. (to be continue)

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