Dreams Come True and Tiring day
>> 8/11/2011
Ok..let me start with assalamualaikum to all readers..hows your puasa?? is it good?mm hopefully we can get through the Ramadhan with cheerful life. So yesterday was 11 days of ramadhan..n rite now at 12.20 am in friday morning..
were going to
start next day of puasa..so i just wanna share with u guys what happen yesterday..so i woke up a around 9.30am..n my friend text me said i should followed him to Pos Malaysia Custom at Sep
ang which is at LCCT airport to claim my parcel..
u know what kind of parcel rite? hehe..something valuable and special for me..he said the parcel was detained by custom for inspection..u know la..tax n blaa...blaa..so we need to come to their office n claim by our own.ok after i shower i just drove my mum's car..haha coz mama give ask me to drove her car..yeah more speed i guess..i went to my friends house at bndar pemaisuri cheras..n fetch him there..so we quickly straight aw
ay to the sepang LCCT airport..arriv
ed there around 12pm..the weather is hot..the after check in at the post guard..we enter the pos
Malaysia building..we straight away fill the form..and take the parcels..ok rite now is the most challenging part of that day..we need to open i
nfront of the custom officer for inspection..honestly we dont have any problem at first..coz all the man officer is kinda cool...looks like they are so normal to handle all this stuff..then the officer give the form to another women officer inside the office..s
he came out and us so many question..they try psycho us..ask about the price,the value..wheres the item came from? blalaaalala...i think she is the head officer..maybe shes new.after long conservation sh
e seems to give up and
ask us to fill another form..and pay the tax duties..the form
itself is around RM18.WOWW!! haha..and the tax around rm60..so total is around rm80++. YEAHHH! Finally my dreams to have a release in 7" format
comes true today..then we straight away back to cheras and rest at my friends house b4 we plan to to bazar ramadhan for buk
a puasa. so this is some of the item that valuable..hehe

after buka puasa i straight back home and rest...i woke up n feel so hungry and i found this in the dining table..yummmy! nasi ambeng! my favourite..yeahh...
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