What a beautiful day in my life....PART 3

>> 8/15/2011

hey..continue from the previous post..such a long story i guess..im so lazy to type..haha..ok after she came back from ladies..she asked me whether i see her 2nd phone or not? which is her celcom no...i said im not sure..coz i dont see it..now everything is messed up..we try to find inside bobo..but still cant see..then i just drove my bobo straightly to our plan going for dinner..now is the 2nd problem my bobo temprature is going up..OMG! time2 ni la dia nak buat hal...potong btul la..so i just stop at petrol station and check..yeah..air bobo dah kering kontang..patutlah kehausan..salah aku jugak..i buy 2 mineral water n fill the tank..in the meantime..she still searching her HP..i can see her face..she so worried..she luv that no. after a few minutes bobo start to work again.YESS! but clocks show 9,30pm..i think i cant make it this time..all the plan that i've made before..cakes..dinner..suprise..seems not happen that day. i can forget all those thing.What should i focus that time is to help her find hp..thats all..i know that will make her so happy! =D..selepas pusing2 patah balik.tetap gak x jumpa..i said to her maybe bobo try to play hide and seek with us..hahaha =p i just want to make her happy..i dont want to stress her..so i try to make some jokes..i can see she laugh..i luv the way he talked and smile..then i told her if ada phone tu ada la..if xde..mmg xde rezeki la..but honestly this is the most memorable date i've ever had in my life..u know we spend around 1 hour and a half inside the car..on the road..massive jamm..mmm.then i brought her to walk around Bukit Bintang. i park my bobo inside lowyat parking lot.Then we walk to BB..we are so jungry that time..i dont know where to go..all i can see is mamak stall at BB..haha..then yeah..finally we decide to have dinner there. We talk a lot..sharing opinions..ideas..sharing about life..quite happy and fun..shes so sweet to me..i forgot to mention here..the most sweetest thing that nite is i hold her hand and put my arm on his waist everytime we walk together.awwww..i luv that..she also doing the same thing..thats give me a good response.now i know..maybe she feels something towards me..when i call her with "SAYANG" words she seems so happy n like it..dia pn x teragak2 untuk memanggil dgn perkataan yg sama..malam tu cukup indah utk kte berdua..dia ade terlafaz perkataan yg mengatakan dia suka saya..tp dia cuma mengelak untuk mengulang nya buat kali kedua..mungkin malu..heee..around 12.30am i decided to send her to Ampang Park coz her cousin will fetch her there..shes going to sleep at her cousin house.We arrived infront of the ampang park n wait her cousin..n finally she found something that make her happy..bobo has returned back the handphone! haha..actually phone tu jatuh bawah kerusi je..haha..kan dah ckp bobo main2 ni..terpancar wajah keceriaan di muka dia..im glad she was happy that nite..happy ending..u are the best lover in my whole life.. =D

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