learn from mistake

>> 8/18/2009

Open heart and open mind?Open minded?Like we used to said let the kids do their mistakes and they will know whats wrong and whats right for them.As when we were little we do what our parents tell us not to do like climb the stairs or cycling those bike.Let the kids do whatever they wanted to do with their lives my friend who are we to stop them?not a prophet,god or government.We just setting example overhere but not to control them or telling them whats right or wrong.Dont make it so complicated for the kids.We are not that perfect at all,look at yourself before we start to judging others.Im not saying sxe is perfect example for people its not for everyone either.Theres other way also sometimes are better than sxe.Im saying sxe should be political theres so much thing you didnt discover yet.Sxe at starbucks?Mcdonalds?KFC?coca cola?Nike?Think about bigger issues.
(ein combat)

(Thanks ein for the comment...yeah let they do what they wanted to do..btw i learn something from all this)

3 complain:

khalid jamlus August 24, 2009 at 1:28 AM  

learn from your mistake,
before it's too late

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